
Kenzie Hoffman Real Italian Pizza Vs American Pizza

Created by Pubandpizza Drystreet
Dry Street Pub and Pizza

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  1. Pubandpizza Drystreet

    Ask any Italian and they will tell you that there is simply no comparison between authentic Italian pizza and the American version. Italian pizza has a rich history dating back centuries, while American pizza is a much more recent invention with different priorities and ingredients. So what exactly are the key differences between real Italian pizza and the Americanized version most of us are familiar with? Here are the most important factors that set the two styles apart.

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    Where does the pizza come from

    The origins of modern pizza can be traced back to Italy, specifically the southern Italian city of Naples. Pizza has been a part of the Neapolitan culture for centuries, originating as a simple dish of cooked dough with toppings that was affordable for the poorer residents of the city.

    Over time, pizza evolved and became an ubiquitous street food and a symbol of Neapolitan and then eventually Italian culture. Pizza was introduced to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by Italian immigrants, who then began making and selling their own version that incorporated native American ingredients and tastes. This led to the traditional "American-style" pizza that tends to include thicker crust, more cheese, and a wider variety of toppings compared to authentic Italian pizza.

    So in summary, while pizza has ancient roots, the version we recognize today as "Italian pizza" descends more specifically from Neapolitan pizza, which then spread throughout Italy and was eventually introduced to America by Italian immigrants.

    Real Italian Pizza Vs American Pizza

    Pizzas from Italy and the United States are two of the most popular varieties worldwide. They are quite similar, yet they also differ significantly in some important ways.


    The ingredients used are the primary distinction between Italian and American pizza. Fresh mozzarella cheese, a thin crust, and straightforward toppings like tomatoes, basil, and olive oil are the main ingredients of Italian pizza. On the other hand, American pizza can have a larger crust, more cheese, and a wider selection of toppings.


    Another key difference between Italian pizza and American pizza is the crust. Italian pizza has a thin, crispy crust that is made with a special type of flour called "00" flour. This flour is very finely milled, which gives the crust its light and airy texture. American pizza, on the other hand, can have a thicker, chewier crust.


    Pizza made in Italy uses a different sauce than pizza made in the United States. Fresh tomatoes, garlic, oregano, and basil are commonly the ingredients used to make Italian pizza sauce. It is cooked until it is delicious and thick. On the other hand, canned tomatoes, spices, and herbs can be used to make American pizza sauce. Because it is frequently cooked for a shorter amount of time, it has a more acidic flavor.


    Additionally, there are fewer topping options available on Italian pizza than on American pizza. The customary toppings for an Italian pizza are olive oil, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, basil, and cheese. On the other hand, American pizza can be topped with a broad range of ingredients, including pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and pineapple.

    Cooking method

    Traditionally, pizza in Italy is baked in a wood-fired oven. This imparts a smokey taste to the pizza that is absent from American pizza. Pizza in America is normally baked in a standard oven.


    It is frequently said that the flavor of Italian pizza is lighter and more delicate than the flavor of American pizza. This is brought about by the use of basic ingredients, a thin crust, and fresh ingredients. Contrarily, American pizza is sometimes said to as being more tasty and gratifying. This comes as a result of using more cheese, a thicker crust, and more toppings.

    Which is better?

    In the end, one's own choice will determine whether Italian or American pizza is superior. While some individuals favor the lighter, more delicate flavor of Italian pizza, others choose the richer, more delicious flavor of American pizza. There is no right or incorrect response; what matters most is what you choose.

    The things that make the pizza of the will become appealing

    There are a few things that can make pizza more appealing to people. These include:

    • Fresh ingredients: Using fresh ingredients will give your pizza a better taste and texture. This means using tomatoes that are in season, mozzarella cheese that is made from fresh milk, and toppings that are not canned or frozen.
    • A thin, crispy crust: A thin, crispy crust is what makes Italian pizza so good. It is light and airy, and it allows the toppings to shine through.
    • A simple sauce: A simple sauce is all you need to make a great pizza. A good sauce should be made with fresh tomatoes, garlic, oregano, and basil. It should be cooked until it is thick and flavorful.
    • A variety of toppings: There are endless possibilities when it comes to pizza toppings. You can use whatever you like, but some popular choices include pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, onions, peppers, and pineapple.
    • A wood-fired oven: A wood-fired oven gives pizza a smoky flavor that is not found in other types of ovens. This is because the wood smoke adds a unique depth of flavor to the pizza.

    If you can incorporate these elements into your pizza, you will be well on your way to making a pizza that is both delicious and appealing.

    Here are some additional tips for making your pizza more appealing:

    • Use a high-quality dough: A good dough is essential for a great pizza. Make sure to use a dough that is made with fresh ingredients and that is allowed to rise properly.
    • Don't overload your pizza: Too many toppings can make your pizza soggy and heavy. A good rule of thumb is to use no more than 3-4 toppings per pizza.
    • Cook your pizza to perfection: The perfect pizza is cooked until the crust is golden brown and the cheese is melted and bubbly. Don't overcook your pizza, or the crust will become tough.
    • Present your pizza beautifully: A beautifully presented pizza is more likely to be appealing to people. Take the time to cut your pizza into even slices and to arrange the toppings in a pleasing way.

    You will be well on your way to creating a pizza that is both delicious and appetizing if you stick to these recommendations.


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