Impossible to use buttons in nodes

Issue #43 resolved
Franck Liénard created an issue

It’s impossible to use buttons or any widgets with onTap behaviour in nodeBuilder as Node catches all events.

Comments (5)

  1. Kevin Armstrong

    Very true. I need to address this. One potential solution is to see if the an onTap method is provided on the TreeView. If not, do not wrap the label in an InkWell widget. Thoughts?

  2. Franck Liénard reporter

    I forked the package and tried this solution but it didn’t work.

    I’m puzzled on how to have this to work…

  3. Kevin Armstrong

    Hi Franck, can you share some code. I have implemented this feature and I am currently testing it but I noticed that node with onTap set can still tap various widget that are able to receive the onTap (or onPressed) event. Below is a code snippet for my custom builder.

    static Widget builder(BuildContext context, Node node) {
        return ListTile(
          dense: true,
          title: Row(
            children: [
                width: 30,
                child: IconButton(
                  onPressed: () {
                  icon: Icon(Icons.info_outline),
              Text(node.label, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16)),
          subtitle: InkWell(
            child: Text('testing'),
            onTap: () {
          contentPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
          horizontalTitleGap: 0,
          minVerticalPadding: 0,
          // subtitle: == null ? null : Text(,
          leading: makeIcon(node),
          trailing: SizedBox(
            width: 30,
            child: IconButton(
              onPressed: () {
              icon: Icon(Icons.info_outline),

  4. Franck Liénard reporter

    Hi Kevin, I was using GestureDetector for the tap events. After adapting your example, everything works fine 🙂
    Using SizedBox for the actions seems to be the clue.

    Thank you for your help!

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