Error on latest Flutter master due to removal of deprecated colour Getter - The getter 'shade50' isn't defined for the class 'MaterialAccentColor'

Issue #51 resolved
Dev Account created an issue


On the latest Flutter master flutter_treeview has some error that appear to be due to a removed Getter in Flutter

Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/ Error: The getter 'shade50' isn't defined for the class 'MaterialAccentColor'.

'MaterialAccentColor' is from 'package:flutter/src/material/colors.dart'

Comments (3)

  1. Jon Nightingale

    Hi, I’ve hit this after updating the Flutter SDK. It looks easy enough to fix, by just removing the 'shade50' references, but it looks like actually the whole getColor function isn’t used except by the utilities tests?

  2. Kevin Armstrong

    Hi Jon, apologies for not getting to this sooner. I’ve been away from this project for a bit due to other priorities. I will take a look at this today and try to get it resolved.

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