Cannot Scroll To Bottom of Account Marker Account List

Issue #10 resolved
Jon Carter created an issue

Thank you so much for this extension. This is a Perfect "Must have" Extension to Moneydance.

Sadly I have to report an issue.

OS: Windows 7 6.1 x86 Java: 1.7.0_45 (Oracle Corporation)

Forecaster v35

Options - Account Markers Opens the Manage Account Markers window. Scroll Bar works to take me to First 33 Listed Accounts. Arrow Down moves me down the list but I cannot see which account is selected. I can work around the issue by Renaming the Account from say "HSBC Savings" to "A HSBC Savings" in Moneydance. This brings my account up into the first 33 accounts, set the Marker. Then go back into MD to rename the account back again. Reopen Forecaster go to Manage Account Markers and use Arrow down to prove that the Marker is retained even though it cannot be seen. Please fix it so that the scroll bar takes me through all accounts.

Comments (8)

  1. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Jon, Thanks for reporting. I've tried to replicate the bug but I'm not seeing the same issue you're seeing. For me it's behaving correctly. The only difference is I don't have a windows machine to test on. Do you by any chance have a Mac or a Linux machine you could try it on?

    Cheers, Kevin

  2. Jon Carter reporter

    Confirmed that solves the issue. Can you get that version sanctioned by MD.



  3. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Good stuff. That was a shot in the dark. Glad it worked.

    I'll let MD know there is a new version to be released (it will be v36). They're not always the quickest at turning things around. I'll comment on this thread when they tell me it's available.

    Thanks again for taking the time to report the bug.

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