MD 2015

Issue #16 closed
Former user created an issue

hi Kevin,

I just upgrade to MD 2015 and I am having several problems. For me the worst thing is not having the forcast. Do you have any idea when "forcast" will be available?

Comments (21)

  1. bernardo araujo

    No problem! The work should be rewarded. For me, Moneydance Works only with "forcast"!Do you think next month will be available for purchase? If so, Where this purchase can be made?

    Best regards,

  2. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    I'm certainly hoping to have it ready some time next month but it will probably be in the second half of the month.

    It will be available for purchase via a website that I'm currently setting up. I'll let you know via this thread what the URL is once it goes live.

    I'm still not sure how much I should charge for it so I've been asking the people who have expressed an interest. How much do you think it is worth?



  3. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Are there any improvements or new features you'd like to see?

  4. bernardo araujo

    I have a suggestion: If put a trend line in the forecast. For example, if I earn more $ xxx or spend less $ xxx, what will be my forcast for the next xxx months

  5. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    I like the idea. This is referred to as "What if?" scenarios and it definitely fits with what I want the Forecaster to be able to do. It's not going to be easy to implement though. I have a couple of other features I would like to implement first but this one is definitely a candidate after that.

    Thanks for the suggestion.


  6. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    I'm hoping to be able to have a beta ready by the end of next week. Sorry to keep you waiting. I know it's frustrating.


  7. bernardo araujo

    Kevin, I'm sorry for the anxiety I know you are working hard, but do you think we will have some version of forcast until the end of this week? is terrible work with Moneydance without this feature. I'm thinking change to Quicken 2015 just because of that.... For you see how your job is importante!! best regards

  8. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    I was hoping to be able to provide something by the end of Sunday. I'm struggling to build paypal integration into the backend server at the moment. If I can solve that tomorrow night then we should be ok for this weekend. If I can't solve it then I will try to provide you with a copy of the forecaster and send you a registration code that will activate it. You can choose to pay at a later date when I get paypal integration working or maybe it could be done manually via the paypal website. I'll let you know how I get on.

    Cheers, Kevin

  9. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    I'm still on track to be able to release something tomorrow (Sunday).

    Almost there.


  10. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    I've created a website at As you'll see, it has the absolute bare minimum required to allow you to download the extension and pay for it if you choose to do so. The cosmetics will come later. I didn't want to keep you and everyone else waiting.

    Some points to note: * The extension is now called Money Foresight. * At this stage it has exactly the same feature set as the previous Forecaster. * It is compatible with MD 2015 but not MD 2014. * It is restricted to providing a one month forecast until activated by purchasing a registration. * Once registered, you'll be entitled to free updates for 12 months.

    If I were you I would give it a good test for all the features you require before purchasing.

    If you have any trouble let me know and I'll do my best to sort it out as quickly as possible.

    Let me know how you get on.



  11. bernardo araujo


    I already bought and installed. it seems that is working perfectly! Can I upgrade when cosmetics are ready? The updating Will be at the same site?

    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards,


    Enviado do meu iPad

  12. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Bernardo,

    Glad to hear it's working ok.

    Regarding the cosmetics, I was referring to the website rather than the extension itself but you can certainly upgrade the extension when new updates are available. I'll let you know via this thread.

    In the near future, I'm going to build a feature into the extension so that it can automatically check for updates and possibly download them for you.



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