Moneydance 2015

Issue #20 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi, will forecaster work in Moneydance 2015

Comments (3)

  1. Kevin Stembridge repo owner


    It certainly is but it now has a new name. It is now called Money Foresight. I had to do some updates to make it compatible with the new data format in MD 2015. And there is one other significant difference; it is no longer a free product. I provide an explanation as to why I'm now charging for it in this thread:

    You can download the extension from here and try it out for free:

    I hope you consider it to be worth the $10 USD but if not I would love to hear your feedback. I also plan on adding new features now that I'm getting a return on the investment I put into it so if there is anything you think should be added please do let me know.

    Regards, Kevin

  2. William Curry

    Thanks Kevin, just purchased, looking forward to using it, at least for now I would say £10 GBP (not $10 fx to £6.74) is good value for your time and I doubt I would use Moneydance without this feature - thanks for a great product - Billy

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