Unable to activate

Issue #21 resolved
Stephen Hale created an issue

Hi Kevin,

I purchased a license yesterday for Money Foresight, however I'm receiving the following error when I try and activate it:

'An unexpected error occurred attempting to activate your registration'

I'm using Moneydance 2015.3 (1175) on Mac OS X 10.9

Any help much appreciated,


Comments (3)

  1. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Steve,

    Sorry you're having trouble. The error message in the server log is showing some spaces in the registration code that you're submitting. Can you double-check that a couple of spaces haven't creeped in there somehow?

    Let me know if you still have any trouble and we'll see where we go from there.



  2. Stephen Hale reporter

    Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for the fast response.

    Yes you're right! I've no idea how the two spaces crept in! I'd copied and pasted the activation code into a text document, and from there into Forecast. Removing the spaces has worked perfectly.

    Thanks for providing a superb extension and the great support.

    All the best,


  3. Kevin Stembridge repo owner

    Hi Steve,

    Good to hear. Funny things sometimes happen when copying and pasting between different applications. I had a different user whose registration code was converted from upper case to lower case.

    Anyhow, glad you're up and running and I'm glad you find the extension useful.



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