Can't install?

Issue #22 closed
Former user created an issue

I just recently downloaded Moneydance 2015 (from Quicken) and desperately want this extension, but it's not in my extension tree. Where can I find it to download? All I see here is that it should be there....

Comments (2)

  1. Kevin Stembridge repo owner


    The Forecaster is available for MD 2015 under a new name. It's now called Money Foresight and is available from it's own website:

    One thing you'll notice is that it is no longer a free extension. To give you a bit of background on why extensions are no longer compatible with MD 2014, why the name change and why I'm now charging for it you can read the first few posts in this thread:

    Happy to help if you have any questions or issues. There is also a new BitBucket account for the new extension and that is probably the best place to report any problems:

    Hope this helps.



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