Date overdraws onto balance when vertical date/balance line is drawn on a chart

Issue #28 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi, if you you look at the attachment you'll see that when I click on a point on the chart a broken vertical date/balance line appears displaying Account balances for that date. The trouble is that the date shown by the line overdraws the balance of the highest balance Account on the chart. Even if you increase the chart Range Axis Range, which moves the highest balance Account plot down the chart, the date on the vertical date/balance line follows, and still overdraws the displayed balance. I can't see any way to reconfigure the properties of the vertical date/balance line to improve or eliminate this, so could you let me know if there is something I can adjust or if this is a bug?


Comments (5)

  1. Kevin Stembridge repo owner


    Definitely something that annoys me too. Can I ask which version you are on?



  2. Kevin Stembridge repo owner


    Thanks for that.

    This is definitely an issue I want to fix but there are a few others that I need to get done first. It's been raised by other users as well and there is an existing ticket open in the Money Foresight issue tracker:

    I'm going to close this issue as a duplicate but if you add yourself as a watcher to the other ticket you'll get an update when it's fixed.

    Many thanks,


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