Data Center Compatibility

Issue #106 resolved
Former user created an issue


I am reaching out to see if you will be able to make your app Data Center Compatible in the near future. I see that there are also 2 other requests for this. As a vendor of Atlassian apps myself I am familiar with the process that Atlassian requires to become Data Center compatible, and that a server version can very well work for someone using this app.

Thank you in advance Darcy Carrie

Comments (2)

  1. Evie Blackwell

    With the discontinuation of Confluence Server feature development on February 2, 2021, and the product end of life occurring on February 2, 2024, are there plans for the Keysight roadmap for these plugins to be migrated to Datacenter and the Cloud editions of Confluence?

    I imagine this existential decision for the project also impacts Keysight due to the platform changes that might trigger a review of Confluence internally with the change in the price points and how the community will be able to contribute.

  2. Scott Selberg

    We do not plan to support a cloud version of the Keysight plugins. We have been using the existing Keysight plugins on our data center instances for many years without issue. I am currently upgrading them for Confluence 8 and trying to navigate the Atlassian gauntlet for Data Center qualification.

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