Possibility to insert mathjax macro through "insert markup"

Issue #111 resolved
Henrik Lindblom created an issue

This probably more of a question than anything else, but the ability to NOT use Atlassian’s WYSIWYG editor is actually useful to me and, I suppose, other software developers as well.

I normally work with software and documentation is version controlled. Parts of the docs need to be published for other teams, which is where confluence comes into picture. We don’t write confluence wiki markup, but we have tools to convert from various plaintext formats into confluence’s format. Ideally we’d have some kind of REST API to automatically publish the docs into confluence, but for the time being the “insert markup” feature in confluence’s new editor is satisfactory as we can just paste the converted text there. Unfortunately for some reason this doesn’t work with mathjax.

First of all, I’m not sure what’s the actual name of the macro, I tried several variations of {mathjaxblock} and {mathjax-block} and such, but all of these were converted to a “wiki markup box” (and not a “mathjax block box”) in the resulting document. Other macros, such as {code} blocks, work just as expected. I also tried adding (mathjax-block( and )mathjax-block) delimiters in the main editor window and that worked as expected (I did have one “normally” added mathjax-macro in the page already). However, those delimiters resulted in the same “wiki markup” box when added through the “insert markup” feature.

Is it technically possible to use mathjax via “insert markup”? I can fully control the converted output of our documents and can wrap the math-blocks into whatever is the correct macro block syntax, given it’s possible at all. If it is technically possible, could the issue be with our company’s confluence configuration?

I’ve attached a picture that highlights what exactly is the issue and also shows some of the things I’ve tried so far in the background. The only thing that has worked was typing “{math…” in the main editor window and selecting the proposed macro from the popup list.

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