Order of Dialog Boxes / Set Index

Issue #119 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hey there,

II use ConfiForms Macro in our Confluence. Within those macros I use your “Help Text From Shared Block”.

My problem now is: when I open a form (ConfiForms form) to fill it (dialog box) and want to show the Help-Text via the “?”, the Help-Dialog Box opens behind the ConfiForms form, so that I can’t see it.

Is there any way to change the order of those dialog boxes? Or to make it to open always in front of other already opened boxes?

Thanks in advance & regards Stephanie

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Selberg

    I don’t use ConfiForm, so it’s hard to say. There is a ‘z' order which is a number thata tells the browser how to stack the layers. I’m guessing ConiForm has a huge one so the help dialog shows up behind it. Being just a number, it’s hard to pick a value that somebody else can’t top. In order to do anything, I would need to know the z-value that coniforms is using.

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