Keysight Admin Tools for Confluence plugin question

Issue #13 wontfix
Hsu Yao Chang created an issue

Dear Support Team, Would it be possible to use keysight admin tools for confluence plugin to link permission setting ? For example, we would like to add link to page contents between different spaces. When some pages in space A is not allowed for everyone viewed, but we would like to add link to these pages in space A. Thanks a lot. Best Regards Anderson Hsu

Comments (4)

  1. Hsu Yao Chang reporter

    We found the link address at space A as shown as below: (But the space A are not setup viewed for everyone) linkaa.jpg

    And then we add link at space B for the link address link2.jpg

    But we fail to link the address, would it be possible to use keysight admin tools for the link setting at the situation. Thanks a lot.

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