Compatibility with Confluence Data Center 7.16

Issue #150 resolved
Donatella Bria created an issue

we use your plugin on a Confluence Data Center, even if there isn't a version for Data Center, but we have test the server version and there aren't any bugs on datacenter.
Now, for our customer, we are analyzing an upgrade of Confluence to a version >=7.16, but he use HTML Elements plugin, and this hasn't a version compatible with Confluence 7.16.
It is in program a release compatible with confluence 7.16? How many time is required for this?

Thanks in advanced,

Comments (2)

  1. Donatella Bria reporter


    there are some news about compatibility with confluence 7.16.x?



  2. Scott Selberg

    I'm presently working on the Conflence 8 compatibility issues and will hopefully be able to make it through the datacenter qualification soon.

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