Shared Block macro broken in Confluence cloud

Issue #172 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello Support Team,

We have been utilizing the Shared Block macro on our Confluence Data Center, with over 600 pages utilizing this feature.

After migrating from Confluence Server to Cloud, we have encountered some issues with this macro as it is not supported on the Cloud version. Therefore, we are seeking a solution to remove this macro from the Cloud version, or a data center solution to remove the macro from all pages simultaneously without affecting the data format.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated as this is a critical issue for us. With the migration already completed, a significant number of pages have been impacted. We are eagerly awaiting your response and resolution.

Thank you, Mehfuza

Comments (1)

  1. Scott Selberg

    We do not plan to make a cloud version as we are on Confluence Data Center. It is presently working on our Confluence 7 data center version. I am actively working on the Confluence 8 compatibility and hopefully can make it through the Data Center qualification quantlet.

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