Unable to use AUI Download Attachment Button if page title contains :

Issue #19 wontfix
Johan Ferner created an issue


If a page title contains the character ':' the AUI Download Attachment Button GUI will not fill the attachment button and no attachment can be selected.

Using Confluence 6.3.2 and HTML Elements 2.4.0.

Kind regards, Johan

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Selberg

    So the good news - I can totally reproduce this. The bad news is that this is a bug in code provided by Atlassian. It's related to https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-24540.

    When creating macro, Confluence gives developers the syntax to specify a dropdown field that will contain attachments. This code doesn't like having colons in the title of the page.

    So, while I would love to see this fixed, I'm not in the place I can really dig into Atlassians code and try to fix it myself so I'm going to mark this as "won't fix".

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