No HTML5 multimedia in HTML Elements

Issue #20 resolved
Former user created an issue

I've installed the HTML Elements plug-in to Confluence but I'm not getting many of the features, including HTML5 multimedia. I can see all the AUI stuff but nothing else!

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Knew I should have logged in before posting... in fact, nothing seems to work from the plug-in. I'm on 5.6.4 which I know is an older version, but should be compatible. Installation threw no errors.

  2. Scott Selberg

    Hi, I was trying to dig into this - but I can't pull the development bits for 5.6.4. Looks like Atlassian is only hosting 5.7 and later. So, it could be something crept in that prevents it from working in 5.6.4 and I just never noticed.

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