"ErrorInternal Server Error" when using Space Inventory

Issue #21 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello, we started using Space Inventory a few months ago, and it would only load ~50 of our spaces before it generated this "ErrorInternal Server Error" message (that is the complete text of the message). I noticed that it was loading all the spaces in alpha order by space name (not space key), so I could figure out which spaces the plugin was choking on. I actually ended up deleting those spaces because they were not needed. Then the plugin would load all the spaces correctly.

Now this error is happening again, and the plugin is choking on a space which was recently renamed. Does renaming a space cause this error message? It is only loading 172 out of 313 spaces currently.

Thanks for building this tool, it is very helpful!

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, so I discovered that a space with no pages will break the tool. It was trying to pull the date for the last page modified - which there is none if there are no pages. This has been fixed in 1.9.4.

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