DB-Connector - Sybase JDBC

Issue #26 resolved
Techi Teamy created an issue

Hi, your database driver for Sybase is designed for the Sybase IQ only. It would be nice if you: 1. designate the driver as Sybase IQ 2. add a driver for Sybase ASE

The JTDS driver would work for that too, but then the connection string needs to be adjusted

jdbc: jtds: <server_type>: // <server> [: <port>] ....

<server_type> is one of either 'sqlserver' or 'sybase'

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Thanks. I've been hoping to carve out time for this, but have been a bit swamped. Unfortunately, it will need to wait a bit till I can make the time.

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