Support multiline replacment in Include Content

Issue #28 resolved
Tyko Brising created an issue

I have a need to include little snippets of text (or code actually) in my replacements.

Problem is that the macro doesn't seem to support the inclusion of control characters like \n for newline nor can handle that the new text covers several lines.

I don't need the expression that is to be replaced to cover several lines but would like to be able to use something like this:

/<expression>/Start of the textblock to replace with that continues on several lines but is still ending with the same end marker./

Even better would be if i could use a macro for the replacing text, for instance the Include Shared Block macro :-).

The usecase is for building graphs in PlantUML from template pieces using the rendered variant of that macro.

Comments (3)

  1. Tyko Brising reporter

    I have made some changes in a fork, but couldn't figure a simple way to make it backward compatible. So if a change to a format for substitution like this "text/new text// is acceptable then this is available to pull in.

    By messing with some extra substring processing it could be fixed I'm sure.

    Edit: Nope, that fix was not good enough. I'll go back to the drawing board.

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