How to specify bounding string?

Issue #30 closed
Former user created an issue

I the version history it says

Some users were inadvertently triggering the mathjax conversion because the default strings that identify a block of text that mathjax should process was not that unique. This release inserts a configuration to make a very unique bounding strings so that it won't be accidentially activated.

I was using "(" and ")" as bounding string. After an upate my equations are not rentered any more.

a) How can I specify the bounding string configuration? Unfortunately the version history does not explain.

I was looking at Manage Add Ons=>MathJax=>Configure.

But I am only able to select he MathJax Version and no bounding string.

b) Could you please use the old strings as default to be downward compatible?

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, how are you specifying your equations? It sounds like you are not using the inline/block mathjax macro but perhaps just a code macro? The inline and block mathjax macros should insert the bounding strings automatically - so the user has no control over what that bounding string is.

  2. Scott Selberg

    I've attached a version that does allow you to define the start/stop delimiters. This is not yet released to the marketplace because I'm short on time to test it. I'll try to attach the file to this ticket if you want to give it a go.

  3. Stefan E

    Thank you for addressing this issue.

    how are you specifying your equations?

    I prefer to specify them without macro box. =>I do not have to go into an extra editor but are able to edit the equations directly with the text. This is especially useful for equations in tables. The macro boxes would require a lot of extra space. equations_without_macro_box_example.png rendered.PNG

    If I convert Word Equations to Latex using MathType, the result format uses "${" and "}$" as bounding strings. The configuration page now allows me to use those bounding strings, so that I can copy the equations from word.

  4. Scott Selberg

    Version 2.2.0 provides a configuration page for the plugin where you can now specify the bounding strings.

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