Please add support for pdf export

Issue #32 wontfix
Former user created an issue

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, it's a great suggestion but takes a lot of work. Mathjax is a javascript library, as such the source is sent from Confluence and the equations are rendered in the browser. To support the export, the equations needs to be rendered by latex prior to the export being sent to the user. This means adding a requirement of having latex available on the server and playing some games. Also, as the rendering engine will be different it's unclear if you will get the same results. So at this time - rendering in exports is not supported. There are some other plugins that work with Latex so perhaps you could check them out.

  2. Scott Selberg

    The problem is not about the export ability in Confluence. The problem is that mathjax is designed to run in the browser - so the code to create the pretty equations is not present on the Confluence server. I believe MathJax 3.0 has some extra abilities to process things in the background, but I’ve not had time to explore it.

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