Include Content - Error: Page Not Found

Issue #45 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have instance Confluence and base Mysql I create backup spase and restory to another instance which use PostrgreSQL After that macros include-shared-block don't link page where include 'share-block' If I re-save page "include-shared-block" link page. I can't mind what happend cause if I find page in global search I find it.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, I suspect the shared block macros are linking to the page ID, and when you migrated to a new instance the page ID's were changed. Are you able to check the old and new page id's

  2. Сергей Смирнов

    You are all right. After it tried restory information from space to space content id is different because I created full backup xml file from old confluence (base data mysql) and restore in new confluence (data base postgresql) Now id content is same, but macro can't find page on tittle. I attached screen where same page and different result Could you write How your plugin find page. He use rest or table or api? error.png no-errror.png

  3. Сергей Смирнов

    Do you have some minuts? I tried find content from rest api but in new version I can found only title content. Could you say where I can see about this trouble

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