MathJax - Data Centre Compatibility

Issue #48 closed
Gary Pasquale created an issue


We are migrating from Confluence Server to Confluence Data Centre in the coming months.

As your app doesn't currently have an approved Data Centre version, could you please answer a couple of questions:

  • Will you be releasing a Data Centre compatible version in the coming months?
  • If you are, do you have a date that a Data Centre compatible version will be available on the marketplace?

If you're not releasing a Data Centre compatible version then it's likely we'll need to remove your app from our Confluence instance.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Regards, Gary

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, it should be fully data center compatible. I'm not sure why it didn't get marked as such earlier but I'll take a look.

  2. Scott Selberg

    Hi, Atlassian has changed the requirements to become data-center compatible. I'll have to see what it will take to get this plugin approved through the new atlassian guantlet. For the most part, this plugin is not impacted by the data center architecture as the core functionality is to insert a link to pull in and configure the mathjax library. (i.e. the work is mostly client side rather than server side.)

  3. Scott Selberg

    We do not plan to support a cloud version of the Keysight plugins. We have been using the existing Keysight plugins on our data center instances for many years without issue. I am currently upgrading them for Confluence 8 and trying to navigate the Atlassian gauntlet for Data Center qualification.

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