Tabs slide to tab content all the time

Issue #50 resolved
Joyce created an issue

Dear Keysight support,

It seems that clicking on tabs (horizontally positioned) will make the page slide to the content within the tab (as if the tab title points to an anchor in the content). May I know if this annoying behavior is intended?

Please refer to attachment.

Affects: Confluence v6.5.1 RefinedTheme v6.0.8

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, I agree that it is annoying. I've not found the fix yet. Do you have anything in your header above the confluence navbar?

  2. Janata Radek

    Hi, we have recently switched from Navitabs to HTML Elements. Great free replacement, thanks for it. However, this is really annoying, so adding my +1 to this issue.

    The strange thing is that original Navitabs tabs don’t suffer this behaviour, despite they use the same AUI classes. They might have something different in CSS or JS but I couldn’t find it as I’m not a front-end expert. Could this be further explored? Thanks.

  3. Janata Radek

    I’ve found a “solution” for this. Place an HTML macro anywhere on the page and put the following “code” in it:


    That’s all.

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