Add "enable Mathjax" macro for Confluence

Issue #54 resolved
Former user created an issue

My company has been using two different MathJax macros for Confluence; the Keysight plugin and We were using these on different Confluence instances, but now we have merged them together and they are not working. We need a way to migrate to one of them (hopefully the Keysight plugin, since it is actively maintained and the dawbarton one is not) and keep our math content maintainable.

Yours appears to require an explicit macro used in each instance. The dawbarton plugin requires one macro, but then if you use appropriate delimiters elsewhere in the page ((...) or [...] or or $...$ or $$...$$) then you can just type the MathJax directly.

I have a number of pages where there are dozens of instances of MathJax, and going in to each page and changing each instance of MathJax to an explicit macro is too much work.

Is there any way you could add a macro that just enables MathJax in the HTML heading?

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