AUI Tab missing when changing orientation

Issue #57 resolved
Douglas Souza created an issue

Hi Team,

We are facing a problem where when using AUI Tab Group + AUI Tabs, the second tab is always missing if using Vertical as orientation. Once you change it to Horizontal, tab shows normally; also, if using PREVIEW for the page or Edit on the AUI TAB GROUP, the preview in there will also show the second tab correctly.

We have performed several tests creating new tabs, empty tabs, clearing the entire page formatting, creating a new page - problem persists. We are running Confluence 6.3.3 and HTML Elements 2.4.0

Please, advise.


Comments (13)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, sorry about your difficulty. I tried to reproduce the problem, but was unable to. Can you create an example with three tabs and send me the storage format of the page?

  2. Douglas Souza reporter

    Hi team,

    I have extracted the storage format vertical and horizontal for the actual menu we are trying to use. Files attached.

  3. Scott Selberg

    I see the problem in your screenshots, but I'm still not able to reproduce it on my end. could be a version of confluence issue - but I find that unlikely.

    If you look at the html source in the browser when the tab is missing, can you locate the missing content? (i.e. is it a rendering problem or a problem of the data not being sent to the browser.)

    If you set the top tab "Beneficios" to be active, does the problem go away? (or perhaps set the second tab?)

    Do you see a similar problem when using AUI Child Tabs?

  4. Douglas Souza reporter

    Hi Scott,

    With the 3 tabs test, the code is indeed there - i can see the missing tab as:

    <p class="auto-cursor-target"><br /></p><ac:structured-macro ac:name="aui-tab" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="c26aea3f-452c-43b6-8780-f610e56a092a"><ac:parameter ac:name="title">Premissas</ac:parameter><ac:rich-text-body>\
    <p><span style="color: rgb(0,51,102);"><br /></span></p>\
    <li><span style="color: rgb(0,51,102);">Migrar a intranet at&eacute; agosto 2017;</span></li>\
    <li><span style="color: rgb(0,51,102);">Construir a PoC Integra at&eacute; dezembro 2017, de forma colaborativa utilizando a abordagem Design Thinking.</span></li>\
    <p>Somente ser&atilde;o utilizados os recursos Confluence, Linchipin e o marketplace da Atlassian.</p>\
    <p><br /></p></li></ul></ac:rich-text-body></ac:structured-macro>\

    Problem is, again, the menu doesn't have the "Premissas" link, which is the one missing. I have set it to Active and what happens is it will show the content of the tab when i refresh the page, as it was the one selected (due to setting active) but still no option on the menus; after i navigate to anything else, i cant go back. Same behaviour as previously where if i change to Horizontal, tab is there: Screenshot at Jan 22 14-07-24.png


  5. Scott Selberg

    The code that creates the tabs is part of the Atlassian User Interface - so it's possible an upgrade would fix the problem. I'm wondering if there is a potetial language/character issue. What happens if you create an aui tab group and add three tabs. Title the first Tab1 and make the body "Tab1", then do the same for the other two tabs. I'm just looking to get the minimal amount of stuff to generate the problem.

  6. Douglas Souza reporter

    Scott, I have created the required - brand new AUI Tab Group + three tabs named "tab1", "tab2", "tab3" with content "a", "b", "c".

    Attached the storage content.

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