Include Content - Basic authentication not working

Issue #64 resolved
Former user created an issue


I am trying to include code from a Bitbucket server inside a Confluence page with the "Include Code"-Macro from the "Include Content" plugin.

When the project is set to "public" in the Bitbucket server everything works fine and the code is correctly displayed. However, when the Bitbucket-project requires authenticated access I am always redirected to the login-page of Bitbucket even though the username and password are set as parameters. It looks like the authentication header is simply not send with the request, even though the username and password are properly set up as parameters and are definitely correct.

I tried to set the username and passwords locally in the code macro and globally in the plugin configuration but get the same result in both cases.

I don't think it is a configuration problem of the Bitbucket server because I tried sending the GET request with the basic authentication header via another tool (Postman) and it works without problems.

I also tried setting the username and password as query parameters (?j_username=XXX&j_password=YYY). Again it works when I try via another tool (Postman) or simply by browser but it again does not work when I set this URL in the "Include Code"-macro.

Am I doing something wrong here? Are there any other configurations I can try? Or is this a bug?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best regards, Marcel Zierenberg

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Selberg

    We've upgraded our bitbucket server to SSO which blocks simple username/password authentication, so I'm not able to reproduce this problem. I've got a Subversion repo that requires basic authentication and the code is working for that one.

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