Macro AUI tab disappearing when use a scroll down on google chrome.

Issue #69 resolved
Gilbran Saucedo created an issue

Hello team,

I have an issue in confluence using on google chrome when we have a lot of content opened (7 tabs opened) on AUI Tab with macro. I am attaching the gif of the behavior. This issue just happen on google chrome.

I import the same macros, 1 by 1 to a test page and the issue just happen when I import the tabs, macros and the section togheter.

I need to know if we have a limit of content in the section using macros and AUI Tab.

What file I can send you to you investigate this?

Waiting your review

Best Regards

Gilbran Saucedo

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Sorry, I’ve been buried with other tasks.  It will be at least two weeks before I can dig into this.

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