Glossary appears to only work for Keysight: has hard-coded organizations in source

Issue #74 resolved
Rick Cobb created an issue

Looking at, e.g., , it appears that the Glossary plugin can not be installed into a generic Confluence installation without source code modification.

I.e., there are at least three hard-coded group names in the Glossary Space plug-in, and I don’t see a way to ensure that my installation will have those groups.

Are there plans to make this plug-in less dependent on the Keysight Admin Tools (I also see that other group names in the code are associated with the naming convention used by those tools)? In particular, we’re trying to find a glossary plug-in for our Confluence, which is hosted by Atlassian, and thus makes source code changes a bit more problematic. Does Keysight provide support for this plug-in in the Atlassian hosted context?

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