Data Center Compatible

Issue #85 resolved
Former user created an issue


Could you confirm if the Include Content plugin is compatible with Data Center?



Comments (2)

  1. Scott Selberg

    Hi, when I wrote the plugin I did test it with Data Center and it works fine. Presently, to get Data Center certified I need to demonstrate to Atlassian that the plugin can’t degrade the performance of Confluence. This requires QA’ing the plugin on a large Data Center instance which I don’t have - so that is the main reason it’s not listed as Data Center compatible.

    In terms of functionality, DB queries are a place where you can start to overload back end servers. The plugin does have hooks to limit the amount of impact a user can create; however, that’s a tuning that needs to be made by the administrator so it’s possible to ‘tune’ the system such that users can overwhelm the back end.

  2. Scott Selberg

    We do not plan to support a cloud version of the Keysight plugins. We have been using the existing Keysight plugins on our data center instances for many years without issue. I am currently upgrading them for Confluence 8 and trying to navigate the Atlassian gauntlet for Data Center qualification.

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