Not displaying widget option in menu item

Issue #4 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, I have gone through your resolved ticket to display widget menu options at the time of creating menu tiem. I have enabled DESCRIPTION checkbox also under screen options. but still I am not seeing widget options under custom menu item to attach any widget with that menu item.

Could you please help ASAP?

Comments (2)

  1. hadi khosrojerdi repo owner

    I don’t see the Nav Menu Roles options in the admin menu items !?

    This is likely because you have another plugin (or theme) that is also trying to alter the same code that creates the Menu section in the admin.

    This is not a failure of Nav Menu Roles and there isn’t anything I can do about it. WordPress does not have sufficient hooks in this area of the admin and until they do plugins are forced to replace everything via custom admin menu Walker, of which there can be only one. Until these hooks are added the menu modification plugins are unfortunately going to conflict with one another. ( Read More ... )


    So, there is here three solution :

    1. Uncomment add_theme_support('avia_mega_menu') in "enfold/functions.php" line 53 ( for Parent theme )

    // add_theme_support('avia_mega_menu');


    2. Remove Avia mega menu using remove_theme_support function in "enfold-child/functions.php" ( for Child Theme's )

    function remove_avia_mega_menu() {
    add_action( 'avia_action_before_framework_init', 'remove_avia_mega_menu' ); 


    3. Overwrite the menubar widgets walker in "enfold-child/functions.php" ( for Child Theme's )

    function overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker() {
        global $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin;
        remove_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 10 );
        add_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 150 );
    add_action( 'after_theme_setup', 'overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker' ); 


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