[FEATURE REQUEST] Add binary sensor component

Issue #10 resolved
JM Lopez created an issue


Would be great to have the ability to display binary sensors, specifically for motion detection in my case.

Thanks, JM

Comments (5)

  1. Enrique del Pozo repo owner

    But, what would you show in a Binary Sensor? I don't see the interaction there.

  2. JM Lopez reporter

    On/Off basically. F6E6F872-3646-4734-8A01-8ECF13739018.jpegI use them for motion sensors. Whether motion has been detected or not.

  3. Enrique del Pozo repo owner

    I haven't used them manually so far, always when the detect some motion. If I understood correctly, you want to trigger them manually? even if there is not movement?

  4. Enrique del Pozo repo owner

    After giving it a second thought, I agree, the binary sensor view is needed (at least to show the current state). Will be added in the next alpha!

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