[BUG] Camera looses static background image

Issue #15 resolved
Former user created an issue

App Version: 1.0.0-alpha.5 iOS 12.1.4 HA Version: 0.87.1 iPhone 8


Live stream working great!

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    This remains an issue, though not as frequent. However, I now receive "camera not available" when opening the stream for the second time. If I background the app and reopen it, the stream successfully loads one time. If given a few minutes, I can open a stream without having to background the app. Appears as some frequency limitation on camera access.

  2. Enrique del Pozo repo owner

    I think these are HA limitations, since it also happens in the website (if you open a stream several times it might not work). Regarding the static image, the only thing I did was to keep the last snapshot received, because HA sometimes didn't sent one. Could you check that is also the same for you in the website?

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    I've been unable to configure my cameras to display on the website. I do get an occasional static image.

    This is the config:

    • platform: mjpeg name: Courtyard
      mjpeg_url: http://usr:passwd@ip:8082/wps-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?camera=1resolution=640x480
  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Yes. I'm pulling streams from an NVR at a secured, internet-available URL. Your display of the stream, while sometime intermittent, is better than I get on web HA.

  5. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    OK. I've been unable to test your app for several days as it crashes on start-up.

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