"Intercept DNS port" does not work over IPv6

Issue #10 new
Silviu Ghita created an issue

I'd say that this is a known issue , as this note can be found in the Advanced -> DHCP/DNS page:

Intercept DNS port - Any DNS requests/packets sent out to UDP/TCP port 53 are redirected to the internal DNS server. Currently only IPv4 DNS is intercepted.

After testing with dig using FT version 2018.3 I can confirm that the statement is true. Will try again after I'll update to the 2018.4 version.

If it was already fixed (not in the release notes from what I have read), please close this issue.

Otherwise, I'd say that this needs to be fixed - I suppose that is only a matter of adjusting the firewall rules?

I know, wishful thinking :)

Comments (9)

  1. Silviu Ghita reporter

    Well, I'm not technical enough to make heads or tail of that RFC (otherwise I would have opened a pull request instead of an issue) but I suppose it is possible to route IPv6 traffic in a similar manner as the IPv4 one. Otherwise, what would be the purpose of a firewall?

    I know that there are differences between the two protocols, other than the obvious different address space.

    And yes, a quick fix would be to disable IPv6.

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