OpenVPN Server Common Name field ridiculously short - breaks client config

Issue #32 closed
Mark Smith created an issue


On the VPN Tunnelling -> OpenVPN Server -> Server 1 -> Advanced tab, there is a problem with the page setup. Common Names from the certificate can be up to 255 chars and are frequently a FQDN or longer string.

On the current page, there is an artificial limit of 15 characters imposed by this code: <input type="text" maxlength="15" onkeypress="return TGO(this).onKey('edit', event)" onchange="TGO(this).onChange('edit', this)" class="fi2" value="">

A commit to shows they were using 64 and it's now been increased to 255:

As it stands the workaround for this is to go and alter the nvram entries manually after committing with a partial string in the GUI, but this is rather painful. Alternatively, the Inspector in the web browser can be used to edit the 15 value to something higher.

It would be fantastic if this could be corrected :)

Thanks, Mark.