Wifi doesn't use 80MHz even when it's selected in the menu

Issue #40 new
Michi created an issue

When i set the 5GHz Wifi to use a 80MHz width channel, every Device shows me that it can use only 40MHz. So the 80MHz Mode is not working and every device has the same speed like when i choose the 40MHz channel width. Also the Info side of Tomato is showing that it only uses 40MHz. I have an Linksys EA6900 router with the FreshTomato Firmware 2018.5 K26ARM USB AIO-64K installed on it.

Comments (11)

  1. Old3nglish 800

    After reading your issue, I checked on my R7000, and sure enough, I was only getting 40Mhz even though it was set to 80.

    After googling and experimenting with options, I was able to get it to 80Mhz.

    I believe the issue is due to the channel you have selected or the authentication.

    Try using these settings: (try the channel change first)

    Security WPA2 Personal (PSK) + AES

    Channel 153 - 5.765 GHz

    If above doesn't do it, maybe try setting:

    802.11n Preamble to Green Field.

  2. Michi reporter

    Hello Old3nglish 800,

    in fact, i'm using your suggestions for the options already just without the Wifi channel, because i'm not able to select any channels anymore when i set the wifi to 80MHz.

  3. Old3nglish 800

    If I change the channel from 153, I do not get 80Mhz.

    If I change the Control Sideband to Lower, I cannot select channel 153.

    So Control Sideband needs to be be Upper or Higher.

    Also I am using Bolivia as my wireless Country / Region (not time-zone) This allows me more control as well as providing allowing me to use Channel 13 on the 2.4 side. (note: most devices in USA wont even be able to connect to channel 13)

    Try to play around with the settings to understand which one is preventing you from specifying the 5G channel.

    Edit: Apologies, the information I provided was all speculation based on what I was seeing by testing options. This link should give you the information you need to understand how the channels work.


    If using 80MHz channel width, the following channels bandwidth is used:
    36 - 48
    149 - 161
    *Channel 165 only supports 20MHz channel width.
    This means the wider the channel width used, the higher the chances that access points will overlap each other in the same radio spectrum.
    If you have a sparse network with a few access points and not a lot of users, such as a home or small office, you should probably use 80MHz channel width to maximize per-client performance. Meanwhile, if you have a dense network with a lot of access points and clients, then using 40MHz channel width may help reduce the chances that access points and clients interfere with each other.
    While 5GHz offers greater performance, its distance is reduced compared to 2.4GHz and it may have a harder time penetrating through some obstructions.

    I notice the the bandwidth changes depending one which devices are connected. Also, when 80Mhz is used, I am unable to get 40Mhz from the 2.4 band. It will show 20Mhz even if 40Mhz is set in settings.

    Here is my current view:


  4. Michi reporter

    Hello again,

    i tried a lot oft different options now with my router but nothing helped. I tried different country settings, and nearly all other options, but i was never abel to change the channel of the 5GHz wifi. Only if i set it to 40MHz channel width.

  5. Robert Caretta

    I'm seeing the same thing on my Wi-Fi scanner. Showing my R7000 router is showing up on 40 Mhz but is set to 80 Mhz in router settings. I wonder if it is related to the "Auto" setting, versus picking a channel.

  6. Old3nglish 800

    On my tests, from a fresh wipe all restore default settings, I get optimal results. However , as soon as I change the wifi from open access to WPA or WPA2 or probably make any changes, I lose the 80ghz.

    I can't tell if its a delicate balance between channels I use or authentication methods or that it seems the factory reset option does not erase all settings.

    There's also noise and interference that can degrade speed but that shouldn't prevent 80ghz from being enabled.

    Try a factory reset and see if the automatic settings show 80ghz enabled .

    Good luck.

  7. Robert Caretta

    I bounced around between a combination of settings using Auto, Upper, Lower. Noted the speed differences with each. The Lowers connected slower. Then finally I selected channel 153 manually with Upper and the 80Mhz took. For me I think it was just not working with the Auto setting. Not 100% sure though. I don't want to fiddle with it. :) I'll have to check again after my scheduled router restart. Hopefully that doesn't knock it out.

    Now connecting at 195 or 390 or 433 Mbps. Seems to register differently depending on the WiFi scanner I use.

  8. Old3nglish 800

    Whenever I get the max optimal output it doesn't stay at those high speeds . Couldnt tell if it was because I have very few 5ghz devices and presumed it was showing me a lowered rate because of power throttling .

    I'll share my settings. I also received another 7000 so I'll be able to test for random results

  9. Robert Caretta

    Here is what I am using. If I had another 5G radio I would tweak the Wireless Network Modes. I mean you could force it to run on AC, if that is your goal. Congestion from neighbors could be another factor.


  10. Old3nglish 800

    Heres my current Basic and Advanced Wifi Settings.
    I put skulls next to the options I believe effect results.

    Basic settings:

    ( In order to get 40mhz along side 80mhz, having N-Only was key. I also don't play with B or G-units. )
    ( In order to use AC the 5Ghz needs to be Auto )
    (Channels in 2.4Ghz need to be manually set to match the 5Ghz. 20mhz 40mhz and 80mhz have unique channel requirements. )[more on this below]


    Advanced Settings:

    Note: I was unable to connect my North American cell phone to router set to Bolivia as my cell phone is not set to Bolivia and did not see it.

    Note+: Important to understand that you need be specific with what 2.4ghz channel you use depending on if you are using 20mhz or 40mhz as they pair different with 80mhz.
    Its explained very well here: (highly recommend) https://help.cloudtrax.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001327064-Which-channels-should-I-use- )

    When using 5GHz, it is recommended to use at least 40MHz channel width, as some client devices may not prefer 5GHz unless it offers a greater channel width than 2.4GHz.
    The following 5GHz channels are supported with 20MHz channel width:
    If using 40MHz channel width, the following channels bandwidth is used:
    36 - 40
    44 - 48
    149 - 153
    157 -161
    If using 80MHz channel width, the following channels bandwidth is used:
    36 - 48
    149 - 161



    These results are not the maximum or optimal speeds, but have been stable. My goal is to get the maximum output, but also have WPA2 and 5Ghz 80mhz alongside 2.4Ghz 40mhz
    I have had 80mhz at 1300mbs but would drop down to below 20mbs. I noticed that factory reseting to defaults made the router perfect until I added a wifi password.


  11. Michi reporter

    I tried a lot of different settings in my Router, but i wasn't successful with getting 80MHz with 5GHz radio :( and i have absolutely no idea how to get the 80MHz. And Thanks for your help, but everything you did, didn't work for me.

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