When using the detailed QoS page filtered by Class, no data is displayed

Issue #46 closed
John created an issue

This occurs when accessing the detail of each class from the QoS graph page.

Whenever I click on any category on the graph to see the details of that category the details page comes up with nothing, nada. Just the header and no list at all.

Looking at the code:

There seems to be a problem in qos-detailed.asp in line 393:

E('_f_shortcuts').checked = (((c = cookie.get('qos_detailed_shortcuts')) != null) && (c == '1'));

Looks to me there is a problem with a non existing element _f_shortcut when the detailed page is called with the argument class=x e.g. https://router/qos-detailed.asp?class=7

The whole page build is aborted at this point.

the culprit is this line is qos-detailed.asp:

    if (viewClass != -1)
        E('stitle').innerHTML = 'View Details: ' + abc[viewClass] + ' <span id="numtotalconn"><\/span>';

It's overwriting the whole 'stitle' element.

I guess you want to do a string replace of 'View Details: ' with 'View Details: ' + abc[viewClass] and not replace the whole stitle.innerHTML ?

Comments (3)

  1. John reporter

    Not sure, but maybe an option would be:

    if (viewClass != -1)
            E('stitle').innerHTML = Replace('View Details: ', 'View Details: ' + abc[viewClass]);

    That way the innerHTML data will be preserved while only targeting the Page title.


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