Inconsistent incorrect QOS Classification

Issue #57 new
tievolu created an issue

Some connections are not classified correctly by QOS and fall through to the default rule instead. Meanwhile, other connections with the same properties (in terms of QOS classification) are classified correctly.

There doesn’t seem to be any pattern to the incorrect classification, but I have so far only observed the issue with connections from the router to the WAN. Specifically, DNS requests.

I was not able to reproduce the problem on a MIPS-based router running the same level of FreshTomato.

More details here.

Comments (2)

  1. Sam

    I’m seeing the same results in 2019.3.118-beta on a 6300v2.

    Just to try to narrow down culprits, I actually removed all the classification rules except the DNS one, and still some DNS queries are landing in “P2P/Bulk” while most are in “Service”. Additionally I tried adding a rule to classify any packets coming from (CloudFlare’s DNS host) as “Service” without any luck (so it’s not failing to classify just based on port, it fails to classify based on IP address as well).

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