There is no issue with the build guide kille72 has placed in the

Issue #8 closed
txnative created an issue

That is a good guide in itself. If you are attempting to putting together your own compilation or custom build you maybe on your own, but the guide will help you if you have experience you'll know what to do and if you don't you may ask in the linksysinfo forum or use the search function in the forum and use google of course. Post a new thread but not in the Freshtomato-ARM thread as it is suppose to be for feedback on beta users.

Comments (7)

  1. Nathan Ellsworth

    Unfortunately, I disagree with this "issue." The clearly says "HOW TO COMPILE FRESHTOMATO on Debian 9.x/64bit" but stops short of any actual compile steps.

  2. pedro

    Readme contains all the necessary tips on how to build a work environment for FreshTomato compilation. Everything else should be clear to someone who is considering compiling such a huge project (just take a look at some Makefile).

    Excuse-moi, but this is not a nursery school for administrators...

  3. Nathan Ellsworth

    Yikes, pedro. I wasn't asking for any hand-holding. I was just asking for the "HOW TO COMPILE" section to be completed. I had submitted an issue on this a year ago which was ignored, and then I resubmitted an issue when the project got moved to Bitbucket, and it is still being ignored.

    If you won't tell us how to compile, then change the title in the README. Do you not agree it is misleading for it to say "HOW TO COMPILE" yet not even mention the compilation steps?

    I have been hanging around the Tomato world for a few years and would love to help more. I was the one who posted the temporary fix for the Tomato as AP DNS issue. I am excited to see that fix make it into the new beta release. I have made payments to Shibby in the past for his work and also to Kille72.

    But if you would be so kind as to at least point us to which exact Makefile kicks off the Tomato build, that would be very helpful.


  4. Nathan Ellsworth

    E X C E L L E N T !

    Thanks for the update, pedro.

    I will update/close the other issue on this topic.

    I assume that eventually your commits will get pulled into the Kille72 repository?

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