\pdftooltip: Tooltip area is displayed like a checkbox

Issue #8 resolved
Jonas Witschel created an issue

When using {{{\pdftooltip}}}, clicking on the tooltip in the produced PDF results in a highlighted and checked tooltip area, as shown in the attached image. The issue is due to a spurious backslash in the definition of {{{\pc@annot@tooltip}}} which should actually be a space: {{{ #!latex

/Ff/65536\space% }}} in line l. 2967 has to be {{{ #!latex

/Ff 65536\space% }}} otherwise viewers like Adobe Reader don't recognise the entry and produce a checkbox instead of the actually intended pushbutton.

This issue was originally reported on TeX.SE: [[http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/34698/3323]]

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