Issue with page breaking and \pdfmarkupcomment[]{}{}

Issue #1 resolved
aghsmith created an issue

Hi, I'm aware that there is a limitation in the manual that a {{{\pdfmarkupcomment[]{}{}}}} cannnot span over more than a page. It was uncertain if this meant, that there cannot be a page break in a comment. As I see that you have done some work on page breaking in the change logs, I'm guessing that your package is intended to support page breaking within a paragraph of less than one page.

In my thesis and in an example that I produced, the package seems to make mistakes over page breaks. This is a significant limitation as getting around it requires that I predict in the text where the page break will occur and terminate the {{{\pdfmarkupcomment[]{}{}}}} environment accordingly.

I have attached an example made from random text.

Comments (3)

  1. Josef Kleber repo owner


    i introduced a kind of stupid bug, which just take effect in certain circumstances. Rethinking the whole story i found something that works for your example, but i have to test the other 'circumstances'. Sorry no time before weekend.

  2. aghsmith reporter

    Oh, thanks for looking into this. I also noticed that if a float is inserted into the top of the page (by pdflatex, rather than a paragraph break in which it is inserted), then the package will draw highlighted lines over the top of the float. I wonder if this is part of the same thing or a separate issue.

    If you need me to check your beta on my thesis (which involves all sorts of situations) then let me know.

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