Is interactive = TRUE working for network? and can we extract Gr?

Issue #11 resolved
Kim-Anh Le Cao repo owner created an issue

Same question for CIM.

Does not work on Rstudio on my mac.

network representation for objects of class 'rcc'

data(nutrimouse) X <- nutrimouse$lipid Y <- nutrimouse$gene nutri.res <- rcc(X, Y, ncomp = 3, lambda1 = 0.064, lambda2 = 0.008) jpeg('graphics/example1-network.jpeg') network(nutri.res, comp = 1:3, threshold = 0.6)

?! bug to fix?: when setting interactive = TRUE:

Error in network.default(simMat, ...) : attempt to apply non-function# or: error is:

Error in par(def.par) :

invalid value specified for graphical parameter "pin"

Also, unable to extract Gr: gR <- network(nutri.res, comp = 1:3, threshold = 0.6)$gR

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