Case study Multilevel:vac18. function "multilevel" not found

Issue #81 resolved
Jay Vaidya created an issue

I am doing the case study Multilevel:vac18 step by step. Level: Novice

At the step QUOTED vac18.plsda.multilevel <- multilevel(X, design = design, ncomp = 3,                                      method = "splsda",                                      keepX = c(ncol(X), ncol(X), ncol(X))) ENDQUOTE I get the error: QUOTE Error: could not find function "multilevel" ENDQUOTE

Is this a holdover from a prior version of mixOmics? I do not see any function "multilevel" in the PDF manual for mixOmics.

Comments (8)

  1. Florian Rohart

    Hi there,

    Thanks for noticing this mistake, it seems we forgot to update this page of the website.. It is up-to-date now! You'll see that indeed the multilevel function is no more, and is now included directly as an input argument of the pca/plsda/splsda/.../ functions.

  2. Jay Vaidya reporter

    Thanks much!


    Dhananjay Vaidya, MBBS, PhD, MPH Associate Professor, Medicine GeneSTAR Research Program 1830 E. Monument St, Room 8025 Baltimore, MD, 21287 Phone 410-614-2440 / 410-550-5032

  3. Jay Vaidya reporter

    I think I have emptied web cache, but I still see the old multilevel function called on (first text box with code)

    QUOTE vac18.plsda.multilevel <- multilevel(X, design = design, ncomp = 3,                                      method = "splsda",                                      keepX = c(ncol(X), ncol(X), ncol(X))) ENDQUOTE



  4. Jay Vaidya reporter

    Also on page 4 , first textbox (

    QUOTE vac18.splsda.multilevel <- multilevel(X, design = design, ncomp = 3,                                       method = "splsda",                                       keepX = c(30, 137, 123)) ENDQUOTE

  5. Jay Vaidya reporter

    Sorry, I am very much such a copy-and-paste newbie. I wanted to know the the exact usage given the actual variable names and parameters in the example, so that I could take them on to generate the same graphics... and then I would set up my next self-teaching example, swapping out variable names and parameters one by one.

  6. Jay Vaidya reporter

    This is great. Solved. Thank you. (Note to other readers of this thread) The update is on the link provided by @FlorianR The page links that I have referenced in earlier posts can be seen to access the old version of the case study.

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