getGene returns first not Not Localized results

Issue #33 resolved
ssnn created an issue

If there are ties and first=TRUE, getGene should return the first non "Not Localized" results. If there are only "Not Localized" calls, then return them. May add a new argument, "not.localized.omit"


v_call <- "IGHV03-NL1,IGHV03-30_3,IGHV03-30"
getGene(v_call, first=TRUE)
[1] "IGHV03-NL1"


v_call <- "IGHV03-NL1,IGHV03-30_3,IGHV03-30"
getGene(v_call, first=TRUE)
[1] "IGHV03-30_3"

v_call <- "IGHV03-NL1,IGHV03-NL2"
getGene(v_call, first=TRUE)
[1] "IGHV03-NL1"

Comments (4)

  1. ssnn reporter

    How about adding omit_nl=FALSE (default) to getSegment(). Probably just needs an initial pass with a special regex.

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