alakazam::getnproc can sometimes return NA because of parallel::detectCores() which can be problematic for functions that use this command e.g. groupBaseline

Issue #80 resolved
Roy Jiang created an issue

In certain situations parallel::detectCores() can return NA ( when there definitely are cores (future::availableCores() returns a value). Since the docstring states “@return The number of cores available. Returns 1 if undeterminable”. It’s use in groupBaseline (line 847 in Baseline.R) does not account for possible NA return from this function.

Replicating this error is tricky but seems to be quite common (,

I would recommend implementing an NA check in alakazam::getnproc i.e. if({nproc ← 1}

Comments (5)

  1. Roy Jiang reporter

    ** Since the docstring states “@return The number of cores available. Returns 1 if undeterminable”, I would recommend implementing an NA check in alakazam::getnproc i.e. if({nproc ← 1}.

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