not compatible with pip 10

Issue #124 resolved
Anders Klaus created an issue

pip.req has been moved to pip._internal.req in pip 10 causing from pip.req import parse_requirements on line 19 to raise an import error when using pip > 9.0.3.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Vander Heiden

    Hi @joltex, thanks for letting us know! That's going to bug a lot of people...

    Give me a day or two to investigate and I'll fix it. (Not sure I want to use pip._internal.req, if it's likely to change.)

  2. Jason Vander Heiden

    I pushed a fix to the bitbucket repos for presto and changeo, along with the airr-standards python library.

    It won't be on PyPI until the next release, but if are using the development versions it should work now.

    Let me know if you have further trouble.

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