- output not usable by IgPhyML when --outname begins with a number

Issue #142 resolved
Julian Zhou created an issue

Moved from issue originally opened by @heumos in the immcantation repo.

Hi Kleinstein-Lab,

please prevent users from putting numbers in front of their --outname argument or else the files is malformed and not usable by IgPhyML anymore. I just ran into that issue and it took me some time to figure out, what was going on.

Example code, that produces malformed file: -d --outname 1234_ex --log ex.log --collapse


Best, Simon

Or ideally you find a way, that user can name their output as they wish ;)

Comments (4)

  1. Kenneth Hoehn

    Number of clones did not print newline, resulting in improperly formatted lineages file. This has been fixed in the development version.

  2. Kenneth Hoehn

    @javh since this is an important bug, do you think we should go ahead and change this in the released version?

  3. Jason Vander Heiden

    I think it would be good to get it into release as soon as you can, because it does break BuildTrees. But, I would also resolve #139, #140, and #141 and package them all into the same release (v0.4.5). Those are all important and having one fix is a good impetus to fix other things to justify release. :)

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