fetch_igblastdb.sh seems to be broken

Issue #172 closed
Christopher Parks created an issue

I’m attempting to configure IgBLAST following the instructions at https://changeo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/igblast.html. I’m using Ubuntu Server 20.04 on an AWS EC2 instance with all SciPy and BioPython dependencies installed. I also have pRESTO 0.6.2, Change-O 1.0.1, IgBLAST 1.17.0, and all the scripts in https://bitbucket.org/kleinstein/immcantation/src/master/scripts/ installed. All scripts are available in $PATH. The following happens when I execute fetch_igblast.sh:

$ fetch_igblastdb.sh -o ~/share/igblast
/home/ubuntu/scripts/fetch_igblastdb.sh: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'
/home/ubuntu/scripts/fetch_igblastdb.sh: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE html>'

Comments (2)

  1. Christopher Parks reporter

    I accidentally downloaded the HTML files for these scripts rather than the actual scripts.

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