When no junction found, MakeDb imgt doesn't report j_germ_start correctly

Issue #178 new
ssnn created an issue

This line in MakeDb.py imgt works only if there is a junction:

result['j_germ_start'] = int(junction['5\'J-REGION trimmed-nt nb'] or 0) + 1

When the junction can’t be identified, there is no J-REGION info in the junction file, and j_germ_start gets value of 1, which is not always correct. Attached an example where j_germ_start should be 4. 5'J-REGION trimmed-nt nb is empty, J-REGION partial 3prime missing nt nb is 0 and junction length is 35. MakeDb reports

 j_germline_start j_germline_end
 1                35

The AIRR formatted output reports:

j_call             j_germline_start j_germline_end  j_germline_alignment
Homsap IGKJ1*01 F  4                38              gacgttcggccaagggaccaaggtggaaatcaaac

I think that later, CreateGermlines doesn’t create the germline correctly because of the _start and _end. See the J alignment in the ugly figure attached, showing the alignment. The deleted J nucleotides should be the first 3, not the last 3 (shown with alpha), and end in ‘aaac’.

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